My Process


It all started when...

Bob Franklin Mediation Solutions’ approach is grounded in adaptiveness and flexibility, and the importance of understanding not only the facts and legal issues presented by the parties; but as well, the underlying needs and motives of the litigants, all of which are critical factors in appreciating the uniqueness of each person and case to facilitate a reasonable and risk-free ending.  

A successful resolution starts with a careful review of the briefs to become well versed in all facts and legal issues. Our commitment to your case starts here to provide valuable yet impartial guidance throughout the entire process.

While the usual process is to commence mediation in a joint session with all present and with opening statements followed by the parties caucusing with their lawyer, mediation is an informal process which allows the parties to agree to many alternative ways to communicate and to present offers depending on the issues and the unique circumstances of each case. Whatever the case, mutual respect coupled with an attentive ear go a long way. As the Dalai Lama said: “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know, but when you listen you may learn something new.” It is in such an environment that a party understand more fully the issues and the opposing party’s case improving the opportunity to reach an agreement.

Usually a mediation takes no longer than one business day. If a case does not settle at mediation it is my commitment to follow up with the parties to promote discussions and settlement.